Friday, 19 July 2013

ROM beginning to take over the world

The ROM cause steps up a gear at The Tour De France yesterday!
 The Republic Of Mayo has made strides in recent weeks in gaining attention towards it's cause. Currently only 40% of countries currently recognise ROM as a country in it's own right including Lapland, Monaco (Due to the Grace Kelly connection), San Marino, Cuba, Kazakhstan and Somalia (Due to the Grace O'Malley connection). International campaigners and celebrities have made the Mayo GAA jersey the symbol of freedom for Mayo. Below we have a gallery of celebrities helping towards the ROM cause. These people also believe that Ballaghaderren is 110% in the ROM not in Rossieland.

Despite the fastest man alive's manager hailing from Donegal. Bolt was smart enough to know what's the best team in Ireland.

The Northern Light's supports the ROM cause.

Mayo cause in London
Olé was held at gunpoint at Father Horan International Airport, Knock to do this stint. Despite a general disliking for Norwegians since the Vikings came to these shores. Mayo-Nordic relations are now at an all time high after Ole agreed to play corner forward for the duration of this years Championship. 
The celeb fad for helping the ROM cause began last Christmas with these bucks, the most famous helpers to the cause so far.

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