Friday, 12 July 2013

Mid-West Radios link to newborn North West

Mid-west Radio Chief Paul Claffey (originally a Rossie) claims Kanye West and Kim
Kardashian's child North West is actually named after Midwest Radios defunct sister station North West Radio ( 

Paul Claffey speaking to RoM earlier this week
Mr. Claffey (pictured above) told reporters "I remember the couple used to listen into North-West Radio while holidaying a few years ago in the region. I knew the station had an effect on the infamous couple but I never imagined the influence was that major that they would name their first child after the radio station. Claffey later refused to comment on whether he would be the newborn child's Godfather.

A spokesman for Paddy Power Castlebar told us that "Bets on Claffey becoming the child's Godfather are now suspended. It's now almost a certainty Claffey is North West's Godfather." Remember folks ye heard the news here first!


  1. all hail the republic

    1. Anonymous, How are ya? Remember to keep up to date with our new wave of news stories on the way :-) .
