About The Republic of Mayo

Location of The Republic Of Mayo on a rare OSD map
 County Mayo, officially The Catholic Republic of Mayo (in Irish: Poblacht Chaitliceach Maigh Eo), is an autonomous region within the Republic of Ireland. It is named after mayonnaise. Mayo is on the west coast of Ireland and until the discovery of America was at the very edge of civilisation, (this is obvious in the natives' savage and uncouth ways). 
It is Ireland's third largest county but has a tiny population of under 100 settled people but up to 64,000 transient travellers. 
 The earliest inhabitants of Mayo lived at the Ceide Fields near Ballycastle. They cut down so many trees they destroyed the landscape turning the fertile land into bog and dooming Mayo to centuries of emigration and famine. These people migrated to Ballina and now run the local chamber of commerce and town council.
  The county's autonomous status was guaranteed by a series of referendums during the mid-1990s. The Republic Of Mayo is ruled by the tyrannical DICKtator Enda Kenny who has held Mayo in his brutal iron fist of repression since the late 1970's. Anybody found to have in any way undermined the rule of Kenny is seized from their home by his followers (known as Blueshirts) and brought to his home in Islaneady where they mecilessly tortured.
 We here at The Republic Of Mayo media organisation are the official state provider of news, sport, current affairs. Don't forget to keep an eye for us on Facebook also.